A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve general health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: adequate fluid, adequate essential amino acids from protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and adequate calories. Thus, Dieticians here in Cosmos Hospital work to promote good health by translating this scientific nutrition information into practical advice. Hence, helps you make the right decision about what to eat.
The aim of the nutrition and dietetic service are to:
- Offer effective dietetic treatment for patients with nutrition related diseases.
- Provide high-quality dietetic services to the IPD patients.
- Use evidence based practice to ensure effective treatments.
- Work to the highest professional standards.
- Educate & counsel patients regarding their specific dietary requirements during the hospital stay and for managing at home.
- Coordinate with the pharmacy to plan & ensure all IPD & OPD patients can afford & have access to the enteral feeds & supplementation.
Our Dietitians help patients of all ages, genders, nationalities and financial circumstances. One might want more energy, to prevent or recover from illness, to ensure you have a healthy baby, to lose weight, gain weight or cope with an allergy or intolerance, or just grow old gracefully – Our dietitian helps anyone. Cosmos Hospital provides you with a diet prescription educate you and help you decide which foods are right for you now and in the future. We also offer support and motivation when you need it.
Therapeutic diets and nutritional care are planned, administered and evaluated by our doctors of dietitians as prescribed by the attending physician. All efforts are made to cater to individualized nutritional requirement, food preference and personal preferences of the individuals we served. The Dietitians work closely with the catering doctors to ensure that appropriate & hygienically prepared food is provided to all patients requiring dietetic input.
The Department of Dietetics and Nutrition at Cosmos Hospital:
- Promotes individualized medical nutrition therapy in a multidisciplinary approach as a means to optimize patient care.
- Prevents or minimizes the presence of malnutrition that often accompanies acute or chronic diseases.
- Provides effective nutrition education to patients and family members in a variety of patient care settings.
- Functions as an integral component in support of education and research in collaboration with the doctors.
- Provides ongoing education in all aspects of nutrition.